Date: 10:12 AM 1/25/02 +0100

From: Sergio Briguglio

Subject: ingresso per ricerca di lavoro


Cari amici,

ricevo da Chiara Favilli (che ringrazio) questo comunicato dell'ESC (il Comitato economico e sociale europeo) sul parere espresso dallo stesso Comitato in relazione alla proposta di direttiva su ingresso e soggiorno per lavoro. Si chiede, nel parere, che sia istituito un ingresso per ricerca di lavoro.


Altri comunicati sono reperibili sul mio sito.


Mi auguro che, sollevando un po' la testa dalle urgenze poste da ddl 795, sanatorie, mini-sanatorie, etc., si riesca a proseguire nella riflessione sull'argomento.


Cordiali saluti

sergio briguglio






Conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals

Rapporteur: Mr Pariza Casta–os (Gr. II - E)

This proposed directive falls within the framework outlined in the

Communication on a Community Immigration Policy (COM(2000) 757 of 22

November 2000) on which the ESC has already delivered an opinion.

In its draft document, the ESC calls for a new, second legal channel for

third-country nationals to be introduced to provide temporary entry to a

Member State in order to seek employment: this is essential, especially

where employees and migrant workers must know each other beforehand. For

this reason the Committee proposes introducing a temporary six-month entry

and residence permit for the purpose of seeking work.

In the Committee's view, the fact that applications for residence for the

purpose of paid employment or self-employed economic activities may be

submitted in the territory of the Member State concerned only if the

applicant is legally present there, constitutes a condition which may

prevent existing illegal immigrants from regularising their situation.

The Committee holds that third-country nationals applying for renewal of a

"residence permit - worker" should not be required to demonstrate that the

job vacancy cannot be filled in the short term by citizens of the Union.

The ESC calls for permit renewal requirements to be simplified as far as

possible, and for the initial restriction to specific professional

activities or fields of activities or to specific regions to be lifted.